FCHSC Committees
The HSC Board has established two standing committees for 2022.
Committee Chair: Rita Masi
Board Representative: Rebecca Taylor
Committee Meetings: Fridays at 8:30 AM on June 3rd, August 5th, October 7th, December 2nd, and by email as needed.
Currently meeting via Zoom, please contact Rita Masi at rmasi@fccaa.org for an invite
When in person meetings resume, they will be held at Fayette CYS (130 Old New Salem Road)
Orientation packet
Membership drive
Worker of the Year Award
Website and Facebook
Press releases
Advocacy for human service organizations and county needs
Compile data and study trends
Seek outside funding
Committee Chair: Michelle Shumar
Board Representatives: Alexa Mapstone
Committee Meetings: April 13th, May 11th, June 8th, July 6th, August 10th, September 14th, October 12th, November 9th, and December 14th.
Currently meeting at FCBHA with a Zoom option
Meetings and conferences
Trainings, Lunch and Learns
Networking sessions
Community events
Annual open membership meeting
Picnic and Christmas event
Assist with logistics of conferences/events
Town Hall Meeting
Listening Sessions